How not to burn out at work

How not to burn out at work

Burnout syndrome is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by chronic stress at work. It can manifest itself in various symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, loss of motivation, loss of interest in work, concentration problems, mood swings and sleep disturbances.

Burnout can have serious consequences for both physical and mental health. It can lead to chronic health problems such as headaches, back pain, digestive disorders and cardiovascular disease. It can also lead to depression, anxiety and other mental health problems .

TIP! Keep your mental well-being at work with our tips!  


Here are some tips to avoid burnout:

  • Take care of your health. Eat a healthy diet, get enough exercise and get enough rest. This will help you maintain your physical and mental well-being.
  • Learn to manage stress. There are many techniques that can help you manage stress, such as relaxation, meditation or yoga. These techniques will help you reduce feeling overwhelmed and anxious.
  • Create boundaries between work and personal life. When you are at work, focus on work and when you are away from work, focus on your loved ones and hobbies. This will help you maintain a work-life balance.
  • Be realistic in your expectations. Don't expect that you will always be perfect and that everything will go your way. This will help you to reduce the feeling of frustration and disappointment.

TIP: Learn to take advantage of employee wellness programs!  


If you experience symptoms of burnout, it's important to seek help . You can turn to your doctor, psychologist or therapist .  

Here are some specific tips for managing stress at work:

  • Learn to say no! If you feel like you're taking on too much, learn to say no to new tasks or projects. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Delegate tasks! If possible, delegate tasks to your colleagues or subordinates. This will help you to make your work easier and have more time for what is important to you.
  • Make time for yourself! Set aside time for yourself each day to pursue your hobbies or relax. This will help you relax and recharge.       


Here are some other tips that may help:

  • Engage in regular physical activity. Physical activity is a great way to reduce stress and improve mood.
  • Get enough hours of sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to increased stress and anxiety.
  • Chat with someone you trust. This could be a friend, family member or therapist. Talking about what you're going through can help you feel better. 

Preventable problem. By taking care of your health and well-being, you can reduce your risk of developing this problem.

TIP: Read how leadership and company culture influence each other.